The Love Guru – Review

Let me just get this out of the way and say that this movie was painful to watch. Simply put, it was just stupid.. I’m well aware that there are plenty of ‘stupid’ movies that are plenty funny. This is not one of them. It was just stupid in the type of way that makes you just want to walk away. The Love Guru was painful to watch. I have no idea why or how anyone thought this movie was a good idea because it was a terrible idea.

A lot of this movie seems like it was made for a 4-5 year old audience. It is so juvenile and stupid that there is no way anyone over 6 years old would think most of the movie was funny, at all. It is also obvious that htis is most definitely not a children’s movie due to the content. So who does this movie cater to? The easy answer is that it doesn’t cater to anyone. With no audience it was destined for failure and fail it did.

I honestly thought the only halfway decent part of the movie was the faux Indian song and dance at the very end of the movie. I had a moment where I imagined the movie being made entirely as a faux Bollywood film and how that would be more entertaining.

I guess it’s fairly easy to see where things went wrong. Mike Myers is more well known now as the voice of Shrek than he is for actually appearing in anything. Jessica Alba seems to chronically appear in sub-par movies. As for Marco Schnabel? Ever hear of him? Exactly. My guess is you won’t be hearing of anything else from him for quite some time.

While I could imagine a film worse than The Love Guru, this is a pretty awful movie. My advice is to stay away. Avoid it. Don’t waste your time.




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